Friday, April 22, 2011

The First Post

Before we jump into the land of blogging.  Perri and I would like to introduce ourselves.  We're both juniors in high school, an all-girls school on a hill.  We board there, and it has become our home.  I'm from a smaller state and live in a quaint suburban town.  Perri is from another country, where she went to an intense music school before coming to America.  Our friends, who you will soon hear all about, are Sarah, Chloe, and Lyra.  You'll hear about other friends, friends from home that Perri and I will explain as they come into the picture.  What we look like will have to be up to your imaginations.  Our story will be told in retrospect, but might be out of order at times.  We've experienced all kinds of situations, the good, bad, and the ugly.  We want to share our joys and sorrows, but mostly learn from our mistakes.