Saturday, May 7, 2011

Long Long Time Ago...

I grew up like a little princess. I am the oldest of three girls and honestly, the most favored one in the family. I was built with confidence, love and appreciation. I was also raised in stress. My parents are politicians with big reputation. Wherever I went, people called as X’s daughter, no one knew my name and no one cared about my name or what I did. I felt like I was a part of someone’s life, and no matter how much I accomplished, I will always live in their shadows. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents. They give me the life everyone wants, and they give me everything I want. But I know I had to do something to be on my own, be completely independent and be out of their territories.

So I came to school here, miles and miles away from home. My parents didn’t see the school until a year ago and it didn’t matter what they say about the school. When people look at my life, they see sparkles. I take crazy AP classes, I play two musical instruments incredibly, I have designers clothes and accessories, and I have friends from all different groups. But the truth is, I wish I am still that dependent naive little girl. I wish I can count on my parents for everything. I wish I am still a little princess whom the parents come to school and visit every weekend.

People think I have a perfect life, and maybe I do. Relatively, I do have a better life than a lot of people around me but there’s still something missing. I am still looking for the piece. But what I really want is to go back to 10 years ago, be a little girl just one more time.
